Personal Essays

Womancake Magazine
Fresh New Ears of 1988
If you like this post please tap the little ❤️ above, it will help bring more cake to women everywhere. When I was in Grade Eight I knew a girl who I’ll call Martine. She was in the same grade but very tall for her age, lanky and elegant like a blue heron. Her height wasn’t much of a social problem, because everyone knew t…
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Womancake Magazine
Grudge-Busting for Beginners
If you like this post please tap the little ❤️ above, it will help bring more cake to women everywhere! There was a summer when I took up Karate. I had returned home to Vancouver from my first year of theater school in New York City, during which I’d survived a terrifying…
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Womancake Magazine
The Death of Puffy Sleeves
If you like this post please tap the little ❤️ above, it will help bring more cake to women everywhere! My agitation with fashion is so intense right now that it’s actually started to show up in my dreams. The image happens fast, like a rabbit streaking across a field, but it’s often more vivid and lasting than any other dreamtime event. It is the death …
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Womancake Magazine
The Father Wound: Parenting My Boomer Dad
If you like this post, please tap the little ❤️ above, it will help bring more cake to women everywhere! I look over and see my aging dad grimace in pain. “Dad? You okay?” He nods as he absently rubs his leg. “It’s just this damn knee. It feels like it’s on fire…
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Womancake Magazine
The Blade of A Hopeless Knife
If you like this post please tap the little ❤️ above, it will help bring more cake to women everywhere! Yesterday something extraordinary happened in my ordinary kitchen. I was throwing together my usual Sunday dinner, a quick sheet-pan thing with roasted vegetables and chicken. The chicken came from my local grocery store, which has the unique distincti…
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